Thursday, June 16, 2011

to the hardest things...

Dear God,
Please grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

I think one of the hardest lessons we will ever learn is how to accept the things we can not change in other people and the world around us. The only thing we can truly change are ourselves and our own actions. To many people go through life trying to change everything around them when really all they need to do it look in and find that something so small as saying "thank you" can make the biggest difference. But being about to look in and find that about one's self requires the courage to admit and accept one's own flaws. 

We are all born human and all born with imperfections. Why do some go through life trying to change someone else's imperfections? I want someone who is the most imperfect they are so perfect for me. Just like the saying "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" I think finding that perfect someone is the same way. No one is perfect so why try so hard to be?

Monday, June 6, 2011

crazy...over the rainbow she is crazy...

According to the World English Dictionary the word "Confusion" can be defined as: the act of confusing or the state of being confused, disorder or jumble, bewilderment or perplexity, and/or the lack of clarity or indistinctness. Here lately I have had this feeling of confusion. It's summer vacation. Summer vacation is a time to relax and enjoy the summer. I've been able to relax physically but not mentally. There has been so much on my mind lately that I just simply do not know what to do. If I could draw or paint or whatever I'm sure I would create something like this to represent what's going on inside my mind...only much larger...

Heck, I don't know what to do about things. I kinda want to just let time take over and handle things but knowing me and my luck I'll regret not doing anything about it to begin with. So now I'm stuck having to wade through: financial issues, class schedule and issues, finding the money to go see friends that do not live close by, finding old friends from high school to hang out and catch up with, bettering my eating habits, get a grip on my physical fitness, handle my parents and their issues, try not to loose my cool over everything, and well the list keeps going...I guess all I can really do is just see how things go and act when the time is right. All I can do is look forward to August and enjoy the good things that come my way. Until then, my mind is probably going to be like this: