Thursday, April 28, 2011

as time passes...

A day or so ago I was hunting down a card for Mother's Day. Every card I seemed to open just made me feel this great big ball of emotions build up (all good emotions of course) and it made finding a card very hard. Later that day I had to watch the movie Bruce Almighty for my Philosophy and Religion class and at the end I got all teary eyed. I think that was when it hit me. I have become more emotional about things. I used to NEVER get teary eyed during movies. When I get stressed, like I am now the week before final exams, I may have a few mini break downs because everything has built up, but never have I gotten emotional over a card or movie. The more I think about it the more I wonder if as I get older if becoming more emotional about everything come with it. I have become more appreciative of what I have and I do my best to live in the moment; make every day count. Am I more emotional because of this? 

So now that I've wasted thirty minutes writing about how I have become more emotional, I must go reflect on my experiences for my philosophy and religion class. Procrastination is the worst thing, but often times good things come of it. :) 

Monday, April 18, 2011

i don't mean to offend anyone but....

      I don't mean to offend anyone who may be reading this but what is it with obese people? I mean really? I'm not the skinniest person out there but I am not obese. I'm sitting here outside my next class waiting for it to be time to  start but instead of my sitting on one of the lovely benches provided by the school I am forced to sit on the floor. Yes, the floor. All because there is this woman, a very obese woman at that sitting on the bench. I generally would ask whoever is sitting on the bench to politely slide over so I may sit next to them but there is no room for this woman to side over. That's just how big she is. (again I'm sorry if I have offended anyone who is reading this, but I mean really, you can't sit there and complain about how big you are and how hard things are for a big person when you wont get up and go do something about it).

      America is rapidly become the most obese country. People are just lazy and don't want to do anything for themselves. Some people sit and complain about how big they are and how hard it is to go shopping, fit in cars, and just look at themselves in the mirror but all in all they will not do anything for themselves. I love food just as much as the next person but I don't sit around and eat 3 cheeseburgers from McDonald's in one setting. I don't sit eat as healthy as I wish I did, but it is so expensive to buy fruits and veggies because we do not locally grow our fresh produce anymore. We have, to an extent, grown lazy in everything we do. We are always trying to find an easier way to do things that does not require as much effort. There are only three floors in McKee and there are people who take the elevator up one floor. ONE FLOOR. I mean really. It will not kill you to take the stairs up one freaking floor.

      Being obese causes major health issues as well. All those McDonald's fries, milkshakes, and hamburgers are extremely hard for your body to digest and process. Because of all the crap in it, it even slows you down and make you more exhausted. All that fat build up can clog your arteries and cause you to go into cardiac arrest and possibly even die! Yes we all do our best to make time to relax and be lazy but when someone is 400 plus pounds and complains about everything in the world and even has a handicap parking sticker. there's something wrong there. I understand you can not just get up and go start exercising when you're that large, because you could seriously hurt yourself, but instead of complaining about everything why don't you lay off the fast food joints, eat better, and slowly build up a workout plan yourself. You'll feel better about yourself, live longer, enjoy more time with your loved ones, and just be happy.

      I'm done ranting now, class it about to start. :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

packing boxes

        So here in a few days I will be heading home for Easter break. Since there are only two weeks of school left once break is over I decided to pack up some of my things I wont be needing. I was removing stuff off my bulletin board when it really hit me. My first year of college is about to be over. Looking at all the show tickets, pictures, cards, and fortunes from fortune cookies really made me see that this year was a good one. Through all the stress, test, and classes I made so many memories.

       Yes there are still three more years ahead of me but this first year I'll never get back. That nervous and scared feeling on your first day of classes, move in day and saying good bye to your parents, meeting your room mate and suite mates for the first time, and meeting so many others going through the same things as you...I still remember my first day as a college student. I had moved in early for band camp and only knew two other people in band. I met so many people that first week an a half before classes. I even met a wonderful guy I had no idea would become my boyfriend...

       This first year has been amazing. I've made so many knew friends that I look forward to see them all next year. Western Carolina has become my home and as I'm packing to go back to Winston Salem I get that feeling of a big change all over again. I have yet to decide if it is a good or a bad feeling but I guess we'll just have to wait and see. :)

Friday, April 15, 2011

in the beginning....

I'm new to this whole blogging thing so...yeah
The summer is almost here and it's going to be quite different not being around my friends all the time. College has become my home and my friends my family (don't get my wrong I do love and miss my real family). The upcoming summer feels like a whole new transition again. Throughout the next few weeks before summer officially begins I'll be off and on trying to get use to this whole "blogging" thing. I came across a friend who had a blog and it was so interesting to read what was on her mind and how she felt about different things. It made me miss her...and so I thought since the summer is coming up and I won't be around my friend quite as much I'll start a blog and just see where it goes.

For all those reading, I hope you enjoy!