Saturday, November 3, 2012


           Here lately I have noticed, for some odd reason, how rude people are on this college campus. I know I can be a bitch at times and piss people off but I tell them the truth whether they like it or not. Apparently some take that as being disrespectful. I can say the most simplest of things and in return I'm told I am being disrespectful. And then when walking and someone runs into me, looks back and glares. You ran into me, but I'm the one who's in the wrong? I just don't get it.
           I know I haven't been having the best of days here lately but still. I don't take it out on everyone. Better yet, I don't take it out or blame anyone. I just don't understand how people on this campus have no respect for themselves or other people as human beings. What is this world coming too? And to think these are the people next in line to run our country? I don't think so. I don't want someone who has no respect for themselves to dress appropriately, speak the truth whether it hurts someone or not, and no respect for anyone else as general human beings in control of what happens with this future country.
           I know I make people mad. I know people don't like me, but at least I am not some stuck up girl wrapped up herself with the mentality that the whole world revolves around me. I tell people the truth. I am straight forward and blunt and some people mistake that as for me being a bitch. Other's just don't like what I have to say and in turn block me out. It just irks me to know end some days. I like to handle things up front, straight forward, and not waste time and energy making things worse than they need to be. If you don't listen to what I have to say, that's your own fault, but don't tell me i'm being disrespectful and defensive when I'm just telling you something. At that point I just stop talking to you and walk away cause I'm wasting my breath and my time.
           I know that not everyone can handle things like I do and I guess that's what frustrates me most. People have their own way of handling things and in turn it complicates things more than it needs to be. No body's perfect, but at least be realistic and have some respect.

Okay, I'm done with my little rant for the day. Hope everyone has a kickass weekend!

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