Monday, November 5, 2012

random time...

Okay, so I'm going to be a little bit of a nerd/geek right now. 
I really miss playing the old Nintendo 64. Playing Super Mario Bros and Duck Hunt was the shit back in the day. Believe it or not I actually enjoy playing video games. Particularly war games or the Mario brothers. 
I really did use to always press the reset button when I got frustrated and knew I was going to loose; which was quite often 

I know it really sucks, but sometimes being in the friend zone isn't really the worst thing in the world. Things will play out how they are meant to be. Maybe it's with that friend you're secretly in love with, maybe not. But everyone needs that one friend they can turn too no matter what is going on in their lives and know that person will be there. Knowing that, that person loves them for who they are and all that they have. So, being stuck in the friend zone, isn't really so bad. I'd rather be someone's friend than someone's nothing at all.

We never know how truly strong we are until we've hit rock bottom and are left to stand alone to pick ourselves back up. It may take several nights of feeling worthless, crying, all alone, before you realize how strong you really are. That you can make it through anything. God wouldn't throw something at you if he knew you couldn't handle it. Use that strength and prove everyone else wrong. That you are that strong woman you are meant to be. Every struggle is a lesson to learn. Only you can determine how hard and how long that struggle is.

Continuing on the "Girl Power" kick, showing the ones that said you weren't good enough is the most gratifying feeling in the world. They said I couldn't do it, I said watch me. Be that fighter you know you are. Surround yourself with people who will only bring you up, not down. Don't try to impress those who don't matter, because those who matter wont mind. 

I have a good friend who believe that people can't change. But we can, we just have to choose too. We have to learn from our downs so we can kick some ass when we're up. My wrongs have taught me so much about life that I could have never been taught in a classroom. Like this picture says, "If you don't fail, you don't learn." If we didn't get some questions wrong on a test we would never be able to say "oh, okay, that's why that answer is correct." Same thing goes for lessons in life. Embrace the wrongs, so you can learn from the rights. 

and so last but not least, I leave you with this. :] 

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