Saturday, November 17, 2012

sometimes in life you just don't know...

         Life has it's way of confusing the hell out of you. It throws your heart and mind for a loop and most days you don't know what to do. People you thought would never walk into your life, walk in and ones you never thought would walk out, walk out...

When those that walk out, walk out there's so many feelings that you have to fight and suffer through to get to the light at the end of the tunnel. Some days I want to forget everything I did and felt but then I remember, if I had never lived the life I chose to live I would've never grown into the woman I have become today. 

It makes us stronger, brighter, wiser, and even teaches us what we do and don't want out of life. We grow and learn. We all hurt, we all live, we all love, we all enjoy. 

And so, as we grow, we learn. As we live we smile, cry, laugh, and love. We learn to accept the things we cannot change and embrace the future. Your love can go unshared and unembrassed. But you learn what's real and what's not. What makes you happy and what doesn't. And then all you are left with are the memories of what use to be...

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