Sunday, December 16, 2012

they may come and they may go...

it really sucks how people you held so dear to you don't stay in your life for very long. one minute they're there and the next, they're gone. whether its distance, communication, or other motives they may have had. i've always been one to care too much about the people i value in my life. and no matter what kind of relationship you have with a person, when they're gone, it hurts. all i want is for that person to be happy, no matter how i feel. and in turn that happened, but i got left behind....

it makes me wonder if there's something that i'm doing wrong...i've always said everything happens for a reason and things will play out how God has intended for them to be. i really hate how there are so many different factors that play into friendships and relationships. it seems like at times you're walking on egg shells and others its a smooth path...

i wish people would speak they're mind at that point in time instead of letting things get too far and when you finally confront them about it or why they're being so distant it hits you like a ton of bricks. life would be so much easier that way.

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