I, along with thousands of others out there, am a Twilight fan. And for all those who may be wondering, I'm team Switzerland. :-) The books are amazing and the movies are as well, in my opinion. Even my boyfriend enjoys the Twilight saga, which is a big surprise to me. I don't often hear of guys liking Twilight.
I own all the movies that have come out so far and I am super excited for next one. Breaking Dawn Part One. Breaking Dawn was my favorite book to read out of the series. The way everything has been portrayed in the movies and even choosing Robert Pattenson and Kristen Stewart has been amazing to watch. The chemistry they have between them on the set and how they make everything come to life from page to screen is just incredible. I can only imagine what Bella's wedding dress will be like. Beautiful I am sure.

This next movie will be amazing and beautiful and just all around mind blowing. If I could live the life of Bella Swan I totally would. Even if it meant becoming a vampire in the end. Yeah she got married right out of high school and accidentally pregnant on her month(s) long honey moon but she was happy with her life. She has a man that loves and worships her. Her family is broken but she has found a new one that cares about her deeply and she's created a family of her own. She is happy. That's something I hope to find. True happiness. She can look back on her life and be satisfied because she lived and made it.

If I could trade lives with any character I would want to change with Bella Swan or Carrie Bradshaw. Carrie Bradshaw is very fashionable, funny, full of life, and a writer. She has a loving and understanding husband and three of the bestest friends anyone could ever ask for. Bella Swan is, like I said, beautiful, happy with life, determined, beautiful, passionate and a wonderful mother. Her life is a weird kind of fairytale.
Don't we all wish for our own fairytale?
So now that I've talked about my fetish with Twilight and Breaking Down I have got to start my English Evaluation that's due Wednesday. :-P save me?
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